311 S Chimney Lane | $520k

3,582 SF | 4 Bedrooms | 3.5 Bathrooms

Hamptons Grant

For Sale - 311 S Chimney Lane, Columbia, SC 29209For Sale - 311 S Chimney Lane, Columbia, SC 29209For sale in Hamprtons Grant by Wellman Realty
311 S Chimney Lane Columbia SC 29209

Photo Gallery

Front Porch & 2nd Story BalconyFront Porch & 2nd Story BalconyFor sale in Hamptons Grant - 311 S Chimney Lane, Columbia SC 29209
Wellman Realty
Explore 3D Virtual Tour:

Florida Room 360 - click inside photo to move around

Large kitchen with walk-in PantryLarge kitchen with walk-in PantryGas range with water, bar counter, custom cabinets & drawers, eat-in.

Schematic Floor Plan

311 S Chimney Ln - Wellman Realty311 S Chimney Ln - Wellman RealtyFor sale in Hamptons Grant - 311 S Chimney Lane, Columbia SC 29209
Wellman Realty

Burton W. Fowles  (803) 600-6479  Photo Gallery